
are you listening?

 a new form




moving forward


new power

new lane

every odd 7 years it would seem

i transcend

im scared of it

very lost in my own intellect

but the empty page is calling me

dim words

dim heroes

i charge after them

ginsberg, thompson, kerouac, acosta, baldwin

i cry out for your help

nwr, pasolini, jarmusch and jodorowsky

show me the light 

the shadows

the angles

the wizardry

the wizards of my realm

godlike figures dancing and fighting in my cranium

old faces decorating the mosaic of time

my only wish is to join

my pain 

my tumor

my propulsion


not them

a different arrangement 

entanglement of my own episodes

interweaving of MY circumstances

needles comparison

stop it

pick out yourself

distinguish, identify, notice

train to love it

exploit it

feed it

crown it

your version of it

your narrative

your feelings

your gut


open your eyes


open your heart


is around you


is truly beautiful

to the keen observer

do not get scared by the testing

do not listen to the doubt

be the observer not the critic

and do not let your mind isolate you

as you did before 

you did it all

seen even more

powerless through your own fulfillment

a pig in a blanket

oh i know you yearning the blanket

i know you

lethargic troglodyte you

i know how comforting it is

just shy away

show em the finger

they do not understand you

you alone

always alone

you tell yourself that

one more time and you will start to believe it

its not true

the only gospel is

you mother fought for your life

your mothers parents fought for your life

they gifted you that dance

apply it

water it

worship it


be the transhuman warrior you always joke about

whats stopping you?

who holds your back?

only you?




your head

your heart

your soul

your emotions

your hunger and your thirst

all of it starts and ends with you

just you

fun-size package of joy

tell em that

tell em you need time

tell em this is important to you

tell em nic cage smooches good

tell em that

and most importantly

tell em not today chief

cause its your life...

i know you heard it all before

but did you listen?