
i fear

i fear everything

i fear you 

i fear me

i fear us

i fear them

i am frightened by phone calls

i am frightened by conversations

i am frightened by women

i am frightened by mundane work

i am frightened by ignorance

iam frightened of the empty page

i am not frightened by art tho




and understanding

cinema, and its wizards

by prose, and its composers

they dont frighten me

i need them

they take away the fear

they are the hero in my epic

can i elevate if i have gods tho?

will those gods ever listen?

am i butchering my creative freedom by praying to them?

what is idolatry if not opium 

or a sinking ship

i need to be the captain

riddled with fear

but still 

i need to listen to me and my gut right?

i cant let the voices deny me my power

all the small minds

all the mundane tasks

it seems like i never heave myself out of it

but i have to

i really do