

we put up fortified perimeters
around us
our fields
our places of birth
and ourselves
we don't want them with us!
we don't want them to come!
we don't want them to travel thru either
you know what we don't want them at all.

are you them?
am i them?

thems the breaks
the policemen tells the lady in french
she breaks
her road is a disrupted one
disconnected by their command
jurisdictions, more borders to jump

we have to line them out!
show 'em what goes and what doesn't
how these savages will learn?
don't call me a Fascist tho
my only control is over their body
tighten their feelings a bit
show 'em whats what
those rules always apply here y'know
and i won't be the one to attack the law
just to irk
another white face lefty
with the cause and all!
just here with them
with „them“
(today) i'm one of „them“
knew the pain but never sat in it
i, to blow my own whistle, will survive
sit on an expensive plane seat out of this respectful nether world, very soon
my work lead me to be prepared for this
you can say i almost chose to be here
but what if this is your imposed doom?
i know i know
another perverse tourist of pain
a privileged seat
to be a witness to reality
but why choose to differentiate again
like they deserve this right?
their fault! why they try that shit, right?
fuck 'em and their impetus to change
my mother was them
i hope yours too
so we didn't have to be
not in "our" country
and not in "theirs"
but law is real man
order is real
no matter the community colour
power is held above us all
the copper accepts it as true
he will fight you for this meager seat
proud to suck the nobilities tit
the leaders cock
the fat cats residue
the investors blessing
and the companies estate
he is appointed
a tru hero
upholds the truth
for them
against us
so what do i leave you with
my usual pretentious hippie crap
no borders, no justice, eh?
the usual neo nazi go to gob
LAW AND ORDER above everything, my friend
im with the afflicted on this one
imprisoned flesh
a human
just wants to go home
especially if you cant
cross made up lines drawn by mad men
and their club swingin' goons
let them all in
weed out the weed
purpose and programs
not another pig
different uniform
different face
but still upholding
which we all tried to flee from
and days after
this will not stop any of us, i think
while i finally board a flight
to the next mystical place
which will allow me to carve out my story
i pray and hope (sic!)
that she will board a transport too
which will carry her body over that last outline
change of weather
finally home
finally save
finally over that border

i just wanted to breathe a bit

i just wanted to breathe
i just wanted to finish some tunes
somewhere warm
too much to ask?
just wanted to feel something
to ignite myself
find quiet
walk into unknown streets
let the gleam and scents uplift me
and i got that
sadly slimmed down
the first stop was granted
the second never came

did i put too much pressure on it
or was it just not the right time
i feel abandoned by the wraiths of genius
yet the steps are in front of me
one foot at the time my child
take a breath 
check the map
and off we go
tomorrow you will be farther than today