

there i was again
havin' a blast
with people i don't really know
or like
do i know anybody
do i have friends
or just drinkin' buddies
some mates
i have a drink with
a snort, short laugh
nothing serious
nothing that matters
nothing brings joy
in the long run
oh my god
i lost my spirit
for everything
for conversations
for excitement
for life
i'm sore
of myself
my so called friends
my actions
seems dull
is empty
everything is meaningless
post everything
i joke
but there is a truth to it
i am post everything
seen so much
learned so little
pure pleasure seeker
as my good friend put it so clearly there in the sky
the sky was always the limit
but what if i got finally to the stratosphere
and if after there
there is nothing
or everything
i don't know yet
should i go further
should i stop
should i go home and make tea
we will see
we will live
for now